The first wedding of the year must be special. And as people who like themselves and how our wishes come true every day, Andreea and Bogdan wedding was special!

Each individual event is special to us. And I think the details always make moments count, photos are different and weddings are highlighted. A six button assortment matching the tie and yellow socks can only wake up your creative side! I think the madness of each of us is showing in detail, the details allow us to refuse to break the patterns of “that’s right or so nice”!

Bogdan and Andreea are rebellious souls, they are not “just like” and “so nice”! There are yellow tennis dresses for the bride, there are people with nice, creative, talented, bearded and good friends! (They know who they are with the beard! Old and dear friends! Bisous!) Nasii !! I would like to remember them! There were Soizic and Catalin our beloved cousins ​​since 2015 with a frantic and bohemian air! And … Andreea & Adrian, who make some great leather boots! Chu-chu handbags! If you do not know about them, you should find out !! :))

And as the wedding without tears does not exist! I had! I owe them to the priest who through the final word brought the emotions among us in the greatest forms!

Balad’or Restaurant is the best choice for a great party! If the tent is even better! And that things go better and better together with the Mirel Manea Band! I do not think it makes any sense to say anything! Those who know them will understand me! Show! :))))

Dear ones, we wish you beautiful life as May 7th! With trumpets, colors, peony and good will!


Prima nunta a anului trebuie sa fie speciala. Si cum oamenii care se asemenea se atrag si cum dorintele noastre de fiecare data devin realitate, nunta Andreei cu Bogdan a fost speciala!

Fiecare eveniment in parte e special pentru noi. Si cred ca intotdeauna detaliile fac momentele sa conteze, fotografiile sa fie diferite si nuntile sa se evidentieze. Un costum la 6 nasturi asortat la cravata si sosete galbene nu pot decat sa iti trezeasca latura creativa! Cred ca nebunia fiecaruia dintre noi o aratam in detalii, detaliile ne dau voie sa refulam sa spargem tiparele lui “asa trebuie sau asa e frumos” !

Bogdan si Andreea sunt niste suflete rebele, nu sunt “asa trebuie” si nici “asa e frumos”! Sunt tenisi galbeni la rochie de mireasa, sunt oameni cu prieteni frumosi, creativi, talentati, cu barba si voie bune! ( Stiu ei cine-s cei cu barba! Prieteni vechi si dragi! Bisous!) Nasii!! Tare as vrea sa amintesc de ei! Au fost Soizic si Catalin mirii nostri dragi din 2015 cu un aer cat se poate de frantuzesc si boem! Si…..talentatii Andreea&Adrian, cei care fac niste gentute din piele grozave! Chu-Chu handbags! Daca nu stiati de ei e cazul sa aflati!! :))

Si cum nunta fara lacrimi parca nu exista! Am avut! I le datoram preotului care a prin cuvantul de final a adus emotiile printre noi in cele mai mari forme!

Restaurantul Balad’or e cea mai buna alegere pentru o petrecere reusita! Daca e cort e si mai bine! Si ca lucrurile sa mearga din ce in ce mai bine am avut alaturi Formatia Mirel  Manea! Nu cred ca mai are sens sa spun ceva! Cei care-i cunosc ma vor intelege! Spectacol! :))))

Dragii nostri va dorim viata frumoasa ca ziua de 7 mai! Cu trompete, culori, bujori si voie buna!

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par – Odett style Piatra Neamt

machiaj- Natasha Shpak

costum mire-Louise Purple

ii- Asociatia Mestesugarilor Nemteanca

pantofi – Ana Parvan

Flori-floraria Lorani

Mirel Manea Band

Prajituri– Cofetaria Central

Balad’or Verde