Florence pre-wedding photo shoot
I really love pre-wedding photo shoots. They can be fun, sweet, quirky, romantic or creative.
Imi place la nebunie sa fotografiez sedintele foto de logodna, inainte de nunta. Ele pot fi extrem de distractive, dulci, romantice, naturale si creative. Acestea nu sunt doar o ocazie grozava de a petrece timp alaturi de perechea ta, pot fi si cel mai bun prilej, pentru fotograf, de a va cunoaste.
Cu Alex si Cristi am planuit aceasta sedinta foto de cateva luni bune, era cu adevarat asteptata si dorita in egala masura de noi toti. Dupa o zi de luni in care a plouat de dimineata pana seara, dupa emotii coplesitoare de ambele parti pentru ca ne doream ca totul sa fie perfect, ne-am dat intalnire marti la ora 10:00 in Piazza del Duomo. Cu optimismul in geanta, soarele pe cer, un cuplu grozav si aparatele foto la noi am plecat in cautarea celor mai bune unghiuri intr-o Florenta necunoscuta de noi!
I really love pre-wedding photo shoots. hey can be fun, sweet, quirky, romantic or creative.
Not only are they lovely opportunity to spend time with your other half, but they’re also a great way to loosen up in front of your wedding photographer, have them learn how you naturally pose, and get some gorgeous, casual snaps in the process!
Along with Alex and Cristi we spent some beautiful hours in Florence shooting their engagement session, half a year after the event!
It was worth the wait for all of us…