Looking back at 2014 – wedding photographer
Wedding photographer
Avem pentru fiecare inceput de an o lista. Un “To do list”! O lista pe care am bifat-o rand cu rand!
2014 a fost perfect! Pentru noi a fost un an in care am reusit sa realizam tot ce ne-am propus. Acum ma gandesc, poate ar mai fi fost loc de cateva taskuri!
Am vazut 3 tari grozave, am realizat sedinte foto, ne-am bucurat de evenimente creative, colorate si-am iubit fiecare secunda, fiecare clipa dintr-un 2014 absolut grozav! Suntem recunoscatori pentru tot binele si toata iubirea din viata noastra si asteptam entuziasmati sa vedem cum va fi 2015 la final! Avem doua dorinte mari pe langa un munte de visuri mici si una din ele este aceea de a deveni fotografi internationali!
In ce privesc miile de fotografii realizate, a fost extrem de greu sa selectez cateva, toate sunt speciale, fiecare are o emotie in plus si diferita fata de precedenta si totusi, am ales. Am reusit sa fac un plan de idei principale din anul 2014!
Every new year we make a resolution list; a “to do list”! A list where each line was checked.
2014 was perfect! During the year, we fulfilled each aim that we had settled. (Looking back, I feel there was room for some more tasks)
We visited 3 wonderful countries, we made photo sessions, we enjoyed creative, colorful events and we loved every moment of an absolutely great 2014! Now we feel grateful for all the bless and love in our life and we are exciting to see how beautiful and productive will 2015 be. Through all our dreams, there are two of great importance for us, and one of them is that of becoming international photographers.
When it comes about those thousands photos that we have realized, I have to admit that it has been really hard to pick just a part of them; all of them are special for us, each one comes with its new, unique emotion. However, we’ve made choices. We’ve succeeded in highlighting the main ideas of 2014.
“Cu cât mai mult înveţi, cu atât mai mult te convingi că prea puţin ştii.”