Raluca si Razvan – Bath Anglia – destination wedding photographer

A long walk in a town like a jewel! Bath is one of the most beautiful cities I’ve ever seen! The city became famous for its Roman baths dating from 43 BC. being built by the Romans because of the existence of the thermal waters in the region.

This is where our story begins, a simple one that took place with a photo shoot one hour away from London! We were glad to find out that Raluca and Razvan accepted our request, to spend a few hours with us and especially in front of our rooms! A beautiful couple and still very in love! People who know what they want and work for!

O plimbare lunga intr-un orasel ca o bijuterie! Bath e unul din cele mai frumase orase pe care le-am vazut! Orasul a devenit renumit prin baile romane care dateaza din anii 43 i.Hr. ele fiind construite de romani, din cauza existenței in regiune a apelor termale.

De aici incepe povestea noastra, una simpla care s-a concretizat cu o sedinta foto la o ora distanta de Londra! Am fost bucurosi sa aflam ca Raluca si Razvan au acceptat rugamintea noastra, aceea de a petrece cateva ore cu noi si mai ales in fata camerelor noastre! Un cuplu frumos si inca foarte indragostit! Oameni care stiu ce-si doresc si muncesc pentru asta!

Let there be love -Raluca & Razvan- Bath/U.K. from corinad.ro on Vimeo.

Clip, sedinta foto logodna, fotograf si videograf nunta, destination wedding photographer

Sedinta Foto – Bath Anglia

Sedinta Foto – Bath Anglia