Ce poate fi mai placut decat sa te asezi pe canapea, sa iei din biblioteca albumul foto de la nunta voastra si sa-l rasfoiesti, zambind melancolic si amintindu-ti toate momentele frumoase. Stangacia cu care ai pasit in Biserica, Da-ul sfios de la cununia civila si emotiile din timpul valsului. Ai mai vrea sa retraiesti o data toate acele clipe, toata acea avalansa de emotii, dar iti dai seama ca timpul a trecut atat de usor, nu stii cand ati implinit un an de la casatorie sau poate doi..

Albumele foto realizate de noi prezinta toate momentele emotionante ale nuntii in ordine cronologica, atent alese si compuse in pagina. Albumul foto poate fi facut din foarte multe variante de piele, colorate puternic sau pastelate, in tonuri de gri, crem sau chiar intr-un puternic negru!

Design-ul albumului de nunta este unul minimalist, curat care emana multa emotie! Exista mai multe variante de albume foto, unele de lux, altele cu un aer clasic sau chiar indraznete, fotografiile sunt imprimate pe hartie cartonata, rezistenta la amprente.

Asa ca nu-ti ramane decat sa rasfoiesti albumul nuntii si sa-i spui celui de langa tine : “Te iubesc!”


What else can be more delightful than sitting on the sofa, holding in your arms the most valuable book in your library- your own wedding photo album which you are browsing with a wistful smile that mirrors all those magic moments? That awkward moment when you stepped into the church, the trembling voice during the civil ceremony, that shy but determined “Yes”… You would like to turn back time and revive those special moments and feelings, but you realize that time has passed at a glance and you are already celebrating your first or even second wedding anniversary.
The photo albums we create depict the most exciting moments of your wedding in a chronological sequence and place them with great care and refinement. The album can be made of different types of leather, brightly colored or light-colored, in shades of grey, cream-colored or even in an absolute black.
The design of the wedding photo album is a clean, minimalist one, that outwards intense emotion. There are various types of photo albums: some of them are upmarket, others are either striking or veiled in a classic look, each photography being printed on hardback paper, resistant to fingerprints.
Thus, all you have to do now is to leaf over the book of your wedding and tell the one next to you: “I love you!”

Album foto nunta



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Album  (23)
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