“The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” …

A week of rain, a red-flooded code, and after all this, Saturday, June 4, a crazy sun! Surely someone is loved! He’s so loved that the sun is brought to his wedding! We do not know who is most fond of Cristina or Lucian, but we sincerely say that together they make a great couple! Going over the beauty of their eyes and the joy that goes with them we say that the wedding was a good story, friends of the worst and most dancing!


O saptamana de ploi, un cod cat se poate de rosu de inundatii si dupa toate astea, sambata 4 iunie un soare nebun! Cu siguranta cineva e iubit! E iubit atat de tare incat i se aduce soarele la nunta lui! Nu stim cine e iubit mai tare Cristina sau Lucian, dar va spunem sincer ca impreuna fac un cuplu grozav! Trecand peste frumusetea ochilor lor si bucuria ce merge la pas cu ei va spunem ca nunta a fost o poveste plina de voie buna, prieteni dintre cei mai zapaciti si mult dans!

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Rochie mireasa Mirandi

Pantofi – Freed of London

Pantofi mire – Clarks shoes UK –  http://www.clarks.co.uk

Costum mire – Moss London Suit – http://www.moss.co.uk/

Papion: John Lewis -http://www.johnlewis.com
Butoni: amazon.co.uk

Trupa Crescendo

Restaurant BaladOr Piatra Neamt

Aranjamente sala – Anca Ciubotariu Piatra Neamt