Daniela si Alin – fotograf nunta Roma
Am fost fotograf la Roma, un oras cu miros de istorie, cu emotie si iubire!
I-am cunoscut cu un an in urma, la Da-ul spus de Catalin, fratele lui Alin si mi-au placut inca de atunci! Mi-am dorit sa fiu prezenta la nunta lor, desi nu erau logoditi atunci!
Daniela si Alin sunt doi dintre cei norocosi! Si-au scris poveste de dragoste in Roma, orasul celor sapte coline, inca de la primul cuvant si au continuat cu nunta lor! Au ales Casale La Finestrella, un loc de poveste pentru o petrecere de vis!
A fost atat de usor si placut sa lucram alaturi de Daniela si Alin incat pentru noi, acea saptamana, a fost o vacanta creativa! Am ras,ne-am plimbat pe stradutele inguste ale Romei, am vizitat Castel Gandolfo si la final am suflat in tort pe plaja din Sabaudia!
Suntem siguri ca nunta lor e un capitol a unei povesti de dragoste!
I was a photographer in Rome, a city with impressive history behind, veiled in love and emotion.
I met them a year before, when Alin’s brother- Catalin- said “Yes!” and I liked them ever since. I wanted to be part of their own wedding, although they were not even engaged at that moment.
Daniela and Alin are two of the lucky ones. They wrote their love story in Rome, the city of seven hills, beginning with the first word and continuing with their wedding. They chose Casale La Finestrella, a fairytale place for a dream-like celebration. Working with Daniela and Alin was so nice and easy that we felt that week spent together like a creative vacation. We laughed, we walked down Rome’s narrow streets, we visited Castel Gandolfo and in the end we savored a cake on the beach in Sabaudia.
Fotograf nunta Roma, Italia, destination wedding photographer