Destination wedding photographer – is the next step! A step split into smaller and smaller ones! I started! I started it! We are on the road, full of enthusiasm! London, Amsterdam, Rome and the list will continue! Brussels and Rome come in 2015!

We present London with us in it, a mountain of love and gratitude!

A city where I have been dreaming for 10 years! A great city!

An amalgam of cultures, colors, people, shapes and clouds! I was expecting a monotonous gray and I found color! Buildings full of history reflected in glass clouds of glass! Pubs with a pregnant beer smell! Forfota in peak hours and sidewalks full of beautiful people, in a pint of beer costume, in lunch breaks! I live and that’s what we all need to learn! I know how to live! By them, not by the others!


Destination wedding photographer – e urmatorul pas! Un pas impartit in altii mai mici si mai mici! Am inceput! Am dat startul! Suntem pe drum, plini de entuziasm!

London, Amsterdam, Rome si lista va continua! Bruxelles si Rome venim in 2015!


Va prezentam Londra cu noi in ea, un munte de iubire si recunostinta!

Un oras la care visez de 10 ani! Un oras extraordinar!

Un amalgam de culturi, culori, oameni, forme si nori! Ma asteptam la un gri monoton si-am gasit culoare! Cladiri pline de istorie ce se reflecta in zgarie nori de sticla! Pub-uri cu-n pregnant miros de bere! Forfota in orele de varf si trotuare pline de oameni frumosi, in costum cu-n pint de bere,  in pauzele de pranz! Traiesc si asta trebuie sa invatam toti! Stiu sa traiasca! Prin ei, nu prin ceilalti!

In love with London from on Vimeo.

Le multumim Corneliei si lui Alexandru pentru o saptamana grozava alaturi de ei si agentiei  pentru ca ne faciliteaza toate deplasarile si vacantele noastre!


Destination wedding photographer