An orange story ….
It is the proposition that perfectly outlines the love story between Marina and Alexandru!
And how the orange is the warmest color you can imagine how they are and what kind of explosion of color and good will they had at the wedding!
O poveste portocalie….
E propozitia care contureaza perfect povestea de dragoste dintre Marina si Alexandru!
Si cum portocaliul e cea mai calda culoare existenta va puteti imagina cum sunt ei si cam ce explozie de culoare si voie buna au avut la nunta!
Costum-Atelierul de stil
Florăria Bianca Piatra Neamt-Maria Simona
Restaurant Balad’or
Mirel Manea Band
Verighete-Levi Gold
Tortul-Cofetăria Central
Machiaj-Nicoleta Mihaila
Coafura-Oana Bilbor Anna Spa