Holiday in Oslo Norway – photographer
We fell in love again for a holiday, a city and a new country. Our lovely holiday in Oslo Norway!
In Norway, as they say, “There is no bad weather, but only inadequate clothing.”
Tall, Blonde, Positive and Extremely Exhausted! Relax from all points of view, from how they dress, work and how they live. Political but not necessarily extremely warm, though it would help you with any information you need in an enviable English.
Kids? Many, 3.4 or 5 in a family, blond and super curious! They are not afraid and like to want to know everything. They are dirty because parents do not want to see them clean but happy, playing anywhere, in puddles, in mud, regardless of weather. This thing I really enjoyed! You feel like doing what they want, but what struck me is that it does not bother, cry, do not scream. I do not know how they grow so free and respectful!
They were born in a Viking country full of rocks, fires and winds. A world of explorers that has not left until it has reached the north pole navigating the most interesting ships like the Fram. A world of the Vikings who were not as imposing as we imagined, who were mostly farmers and sleeping in their wooden houses with grass on the roof.
With a depressing yet creative Edvard Munch, with Vigeland that floods the city in his sculptures, an Alfred Nobel, thanks to which we now have the Nobel Prize awarded even in the City Hall, Oslo is a magical city!
A! One more thing! The world is so small! Why do they say that? Because we met in Oslo at random, with our dear dear Cristina and Valentin, who are from Iasi and live in Gibraltar !! 🙂
Ne-am indragostit iar, de o vacanta, un oras si o tara noua. Our lovely holiday in Oslo Norway!
In Norvegia asa cum chiar ei spun “Nu exista vreme rea, ci doar imbracaminte neadecvata.”
Blonzi! Asa sunt norvegienii. Inalti, blonzi, pozitivi si extrem de degajati! Relaxati din toate punctele de vedere, de la modul in care se imbraca, lucreaza si pana la modul in care traiesc. Politicosi dar nu neaparat extrem de calzi, desi te-ar ajuta cu orice informatie ai nevoie intr-o engleza de invidiat.
Copiii? Sunt din povesti! Multi, 3,4 sau 5 intr-o familie, blonzi si super curiosi! Nu au frica si parca isi doresc sa cunoasca tot. Sunt murdari si asta pentru ca parintii nu isi doresc sa-i vada curati ci fericiti, jucandu-se oriunde, in balti, in noroi, indiferent de vreme. Lucrul asta mi-a placut grozav! Ai senzatia ca fac ce vor dar ce m-a frapat e faptul ca nu deranjeaza, nu plang, nu tipa. Nu stiu cum reusesc sa-i creasca atat de liberi si respectuosi!
S-au nascut intr-o tara a vikingilor, plina de stanci, fiorduri si vant. O lume de exploratori care nu s-a lasat pana nu a atins polul nord navigand pe cele mai interesante nave cum e Fram-ul. O lume a vikingilor care nu au fost deloc atat de impunatori pe cat ne-am imagina, care in marea lor majoritate erau fermieri si dormeau in casutele lor de lemn cu iarba pe acoperis.
Cu un Edvard Munch depresiv dar creativ, cu Vigeland care inunda orasul in sculpturile lui, un Alfred Nobel datorita caruia avem acum premiile Nobel decernate chiar in primaria orasului, Oslo e un oras magic!
A! Inca ceva! Lumea e atat de mica! De ce spun asta? Pentru ca ne-am intalnit in Oslo intamplator, cu mirii nostri dragi, Cristina si Valentin, care sunt din Iasi si locuiesc in Gibraltar!! 🙂
Norway photographer, Oslo photos, Oslo holiday, vacanta in Oslo, city break in Oslo, Obiective turistice Oslo