Raluca+ Daniel nunta Hotel Traian Iasi
May 21 found us at Hotel Traian Iasi for the Raluca wedding with Daniel! A beautiful pair I met a year ago at the wedding of their noses, Georgiana and Dimi. Knowing the nose they chose, we were sure the wedding would be ours! And sincerely, it was over expectations!
At Hotel Traian Raluca and Daniel or dressed in bride and groom, helped by cheerful and colorful friends. A La Sposa dress managed to melt the hearts of Ralucai friends and became the center of interest without we want!
The party was held in a décor that returns to Baroque and the Remix formation in Iasi took care to be as energetic as we know it! At 00:00 when the party was full and night the museums were officially begun, we fled to the Palace of Culture, the bride and the bridesmaid! It is clear that they were in the light of all the camera in the palace!
21 mai ne-a gasit la Hotel Traian Iasi pentru nunta Ralucai cu Daniel! O pereche frumoasa pe care am intalnit-o cu un an in urma, la nunta nasilor lor, Georgiana si Dimi. Stiind nasii pe care i-au ales am fost siguri ca nunta va fi pe placul nostru! Si sincer, a fost peste asteptari!
La Hotelul Traian Raluca si Daniel sau imbracat in mire si mireasa, ajutati de prieteni veseli si colorati. O rochie La Sposa a reusit sa topeasca inimile prietenelor Ralucai si a devenit centrul de interes fara sa vrem!
Petrecerea s-a tinut intr-un decor ce te intoarce in baroc si Formatia Remix din Iasi au avut grija sa fie la fel de energici precum ii stim! La 00:00 cand petrecerea era in toi si noapte muzeelor incepuse oficial am fugit si noi la Palatul Culturii, cu mireasa si domnisoare de onoare! E clar ca au fost in lumina tuturor aparatelor foto din palat!
Hotel Traian Iasi
Rochie mireasa – La sposa
Machiaj+par – Unique spa Iasi
Bratari domnisoare de onoare – Wedding day Iasi
Aranjamente sala – Magenta events
Prajituri+ Candy bar- Cofetaria Toffee Iasi
Formatia Remix Iasi
Fotograf CorinaD