Prewedding photo session – Cristina and Lucian
We would have been happy with a chessboard, a hammock, a sculpture of impressive size, a crazy green area, a wooden inn, a gang of beagle dogs or a trampoline, but we had them all! A ruptured area of stories just for us! Our prewedding session was actually after the wedding, familiar with each other, we only enjoyed, enjoyed, and it was difficult for us to saturate all the details that we discovered at every corner!
Ne-am fi multumit cu o tabla de sah, un hamac, o sculptura de dimensiuni impresionante, cu o zona de un verde nebun, cu un han din lemn, o gasca de catei beagle sau cu o trambulina, dar noi le-am avut pe toate! O zona rupta din povesti doar pentru noi! Sesiunea noastra de prewedding a fost defapt after the wedding, familiarizati unul cu celalalt nu am facut decat sa ne distram, sa ne bucuram si sa ne fie greu sa ne saturam de toate detaliile pe care le descopeream la fiecare colt!
Prewedding photo session