Sedinta foto – Plaja Corbu
Come with us to the sea!
Why not, I told myself! 3 days just for me, with the camera, laptop and a book turned out to be perfect!
Generally, a family photo session … involves a family of 3, 4 or 5 members. On the beach at Corbu we had the part of an extended photo shoot. 5 families if I’m thinking well, with a baby in Smarand’s belly, a lot of beautiful children, loving parents and a sun of the most orange! I set off on the road with emotions, otherwise it would not be me, but it was all that simple! We were all relaxed, natural and cheerful. And that matters a lot.
We’ve set everything from what we were going to do, from chromatic harmonization, photo time, to the tremendous need to find a boat on the beach … and we got out!
We’ve been able to create memories for a lifetime or maybe two …
I will hug each other and many years, Angelo, because that’s why we gathered here, right ?!
Hai cu noi la mare!
De ce nu, mi-am zis! 3 zile doar pentru mine, cu aparatul foto, laptop-ul si-o carte s-au dovedit a fi perfecte!
In general o sedinta foto de familie…presupune o familie cu 3, 4 sau 5 membri.. Pe plaja la Corbu am avut partea de-o sedinta foto extinsa. 5 familii daca stau sa ma gandesc bine, cu-n bebe care e in burtica Smarandei, o multime de copii frumosi, parinti indragostiti si-un soare din cel mai orange posibil! Am pornit la drum cu emotii, pentru ca altfel n-as fi eu, dar a fost totul atat de simplu! Toti am fost relaxati, naturali si veseli. Iar asta conteaza mult.
Am pus la punct inca de acasa tot ce urma sa facem, de la armonizarea cromatica, ora sedintei foto, pana la nevoia extraordinara de a gasi o barca pe plaja…si ne-a iesit!
Am reusit sa cream impreuna amintiri pentru o viata sau poate doua…
Va imbratisez pe fiecare in parte si La multi ani, Angelo, pentru ca de asta ne-am adunat aici, nu?!!