Venice new year’s eve 2018
We started the year with fireworks that leave you breathless with my first Gustav Klimt, my favorite painter, a photo session made by the talented Samantha Smilovic and Bogdan beside ..
We do not know what it will be, what we are left with from all the experience of life, but I think it is important to live nicely, to delight every moment with loved ones and to find all the things that we enjoy!
We enjoy our holidays. So the beginning of the year 2017 led us to Portugal and the ending found us in Venice. We all know it’s one of the most romantic cities so there’s no point in repeating it too! 4 days are perfect for discovering each corner, to stroll along the banks of the canals and to cross some of its 400 bridges ….
We bought a gift for us, a photo session by Samantha, an extraordinary photographer from Venice, it was interesting to be in front of the camera this time! We are excited to see the pictures!
We hope that 2018 will be as surprising as Venice and I hope we all enjoy life as it is..
Am inceput anul cu-n foc de artificii care te lasa fara suflare, cu primul Gustav Klimt, artistul meu de suflet, o sedinta facuta facuta de un fotograf extrem de talentat- Ssamantha Smilovic si toate cu Bogdan alaturi..
Nu stim ce va fi, cu ce ramanem din toata experienta vietii, dar cred ca e important sa traim frumos, sa ne incante fiecare moment alaturi de cei iubiti si sa gasim la noi toate lucrurile care ne bucura!
Pe noi ne bucura vacantele. Asa ca inceputul anul 2017 ne-a dus in Portugalia si finalul ne-a gasit in Venetia. Stim toti ca e unul din cele mai romantice orase asa ca nu are rost sa o repet si eu! 4 zile sunt perfecte pentru a descoperi fiecare colt, pentru a te plimba pe malul canalelor si pentru a traversa cateva din cele 400 poduri ale sale ….
Ne-am oferit in dar o sedinta foto realizata de Samantha, un fotograf extraordinar din Venetia, abia asteptam pozele, a fost interesant sa fim noi in fata obiectivelor de data asta!
Speram ca 2018 sa fie la fel de surprinzator ca Venetia si sa ne bucure pentru viata frumoasa pe care o avem..
Venice new year’s eve 2018